Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wow, Dan Pink's YouTube video was awesome. As an educator I have struggled for YEARS to motivate my class. Yes, I have dangled the carrots and yes, I have said you have to want to do it for yourself. You name it, I think we've all done it. I wish I had the answer as to why some kids are intrinsically motivated and why some aren't. However,  I have noticed a pattern. I personally think if kids see their parents as hard workers then they want to emulate them. I know on a personal level nothing makes my son or daughter more proud than to have someone tell them they are hard workers. Did my husband or I tell them everyday, "You've got to be a hard worker in life?" No. they saw it first hand. Especially, where their father is concerned. He gets up every morning at 3:00 a.m. to go to work and sometimes does not get home until after 5:00. Some things in life people do because they have had a good support system around them. And then let's be perfectly honest, sometimes we do things because of the extrinsic motivation. Especially, where money is concerned. The best thing we can do for ourselves, children, students, whomever is to find the happy balance. These are just my thoughts. I can't give a concrete example, because I too am still trying to figure this question out.

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